Archives: post

Inspiring Journeys from Daring to Shift Social Entrepreneurship Initiatives

  Cows weren’t part of Glory Mtei’s five-year plan.  After all, she had grown up surrounded by lanky herds of cattle in a farming community not far from Tanzania’s Serengeti plains, and she wanted a change. She moved away for college and dreamed of landing a nice 9-5 job in an office somewhere. But when […]

Meet the distinguished speakers at Catalyzing Change Week 2022

This week marks the start of the 3rd Catalyzing Change Week 2022 (CCW2022), and we are pleased to introduce the distinguished delegation of staff, youth and leaders from the development impact ecosystem.  DOT’s speaker lineup consists of staff, youth and decision makers from Africa and the Middle East. The panelists, are passionate about gender equality, […]

Empowered Women, Empower Women

Elizabeth Kalitsiro Mwale, in Lilongwe, Malawi is a technologies and social entrepreneur and the founder of TechPearl, a social enterprise on a mission to unlock digital skills for women and girls in Malawi. Her team is dedicated to empowering women and girls through workshops, meet-ups, school programs and mentorship. TeachPearl provides skills training, and resources; […]

The Digital Shift: Youth Voices on Digital Inclusion and Skills

We are pleased to share our latest youth voices report:  The Digital Shift – Youth Voices on Digital Inclusion and Skills. Youth, especially young women, face a multitude of challenges when it comes to securing opportunities in the digital economy. COVID-19 is just the latest, and a goal of this year’s Tanzania Youth Digital Summit […]

International Youth Day: inclusive digital and social innovation

Happy International Youth Day!  This year’s International Youth Day is highlighting the efforts of young people around the world who are engaging with local, national and global institutions to solve social, economic and environmental challenges within their communities.  In light of this year’s global pandemic,  youth continue to show their resiliency, strength and drive to […]

World Youth Skills Day: Enhancing the skills of women and girls in ICT

Aisha Abdulkadir and Ruth Kaveke, Kenya It’s World Youth Skills Day! We are celebrating by highlighting the phenomenal work of two young women who are responding to social challenges in their community by bridging the gender divide in STEM. We are pleased to feature two #DOTYouth Aisha Abdulkadir and Ruth Kaveke, founders of Pwani Teknowgalz […]

Here’s how youth in Africa are creating rapid responses to COVID-19

In Africa, experts are warning that fragile systems could be overwhelmed.  But, in the midst of this, youth are innovating.  Youth are identifying the challenges and needs in their communities, and moving rapidly to address them to get ahead of the pandemic as it hits the continent.  At Digital Opportunity Trust, we’re seeing inspiring and […]

My advice: idea first, capital second

Rwandan social entrepreneur and mentor at FabLab, Lambert Rulindana, shares some advice for entrepreneurs and changemakers. Transcript: I’m Lambert Rulindana, I’m coming from Rwanda. What I can tell the youth who are looking at me now is: Don’t be afraid of anything. Don’t look for capital before you generate an idea. First, generate your idea […]

Every solution is driven by motivation

Enam Agbozo, founder of Radix Nest in Ghana, shares some advice based on her experience as a social entrepreneur Transcript: Hello, my name is Enam Agbozo, from Ghana. I want to share with you some two quotes that I have coined from my experience starting a social innovation and going through the journey. The first […]

LinkedIn for social entrepreneurs

Ivy Barley Co-Founder, Developers in Vogue Accra, Ghana @ibivarley Often, social entrepreneurs get carried away by the many tasks to be completed and forget an important piece – social media! “Well, after all, who cares about social media when I have to be in the field making things work,” they say. Social media, when used […]