At DOT, we value collaboration. We work with a broad network of trusted partners across civil society, the private sector, and government to support youth, create opportunities, and transform communities.
Globally and in all our countries of operation, we develop an ecosystem of international, national and community-based organizations who are committed to local priorities. Our ability to align the often diverse goals and objectives of the public sector, the private sector and civil society is a major contributor to our impact.
With our global partnerships we have earned the trust of the Government of Canada and private sector leaders like Cisco Systems, IBM, The Mastercard Foundation, Google, Mozilla Foundation, Intel, Microsoft, and many other organizations at national and regional levels. These organizations provide the expertise, support and resources that fuel our programs and our scale.
At a national level, we engage with local government ministries and agencies, with the local private sector including the mobile operators, with like-minded community-based organizations who host our programs and with other development organizations who share our values and goals.

Community-based organizations are particularly important in our ecosystems as local ownership is a fundamental principle and the local context informs all our work.
We also take seriously our duty to share, learn, and contribute to ongoing dialogue. We are active members and frequent contributors to the networks that shape our world, like the World Economic Forum, the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, Ashoka and others.

We also take seriously our duty to share, learn, and contribute to ongoing dialogue. We are active members and frequent contributors to the networks that shape our world, like the World Economic Forum, the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, Ashoka and others