
What Does Safeguarding Mean For DOT?

Safeguarding is the organizational responsibility to DO NO HARM to the communities DOT works with, and includes policies, systems, and practices to prevent sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment.

DOT has a policy of zero tolerance for all instances of sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment. All DOT staff, participants, and partners are expected to uphold the highest standard of conduct and integrity. A key pillar for safeguarding at DOT is our Code of Conduct, which all DOT employees must sign and abide by across all countries in the DOT network.

In countries where we are implementing projects but don’t have physical offices, we have dedicated in-country staff supporting our safeguarding work.

DOT is committed to creating safer spaces, programs and partnerships for everyone. This is managed by DOT Global’s Deput Director of Gender, Inclusion, and Safeguarding, and implemented by Safeguarding Focal Points across our network:

Region / Country Contact person Email Phone/SMS/WhatsApp
DOT Global Meaghan Anderson,
DOT UK Julia Misselbrook
DOT Tanzania Sekela Mwaipaja, +065 520 8920
DOT Kenya Beryl Olewe,
DOT Rwanda Judith Kabatesi +250 0788 388 128
DOT Jordan Essaf Khater,
DOT Lebanon Melany Keirouz, +961 81 313 867
DOT Ethiopia Abeba Amha +251 911 028 037
Malawi Ulala Kondowe +265 999 654 311

We do everything we can to keep people safe, through:

  • Prevention: This includes clear policies and procedures, and training for all staff across the DOT network, and for our youth participants.
  • Response: This includes the ongoing strengthening of our processes, and ensuring that these are clear and accessible to everyone. DOT maintains confidential and locally relevant reporting channels to report incidents of SEAH, investigates these reports, and holds people accountable.
  • Support: DOT works to connect people to resources of support if they have experienced sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment using survivor-centred approaches.
  • Ongoing Learning and Building a Culture of Safety: This includes a commitment to DOT’s values, and working to create an organizational culture that prevents the abuse of power and prioritizes the dignity and safety of our staff, participants, and communities.

DOT Uses a Survivor-Centered Approach

It is critical that we work hard to build and maintain trust with the communities we serve, and reduce any re-traumatization if someone comes forward to share their experience with us. To do this, DOT works to ensure that our approaches to keeping people safe are non-discriminatory and respect the rights, needs, and wishes of survivors, including groups that are particularly at risk or may be specifically targeted. To every extent possible, DOT maintains confidentiality of all involved in safeguarding incidents throughout the process.

Below are some steps you can take, and DOT is here to support you to navigate this process:

  1. Remove yourself from immediate danger. Your safety is paramount. If you are in danger, take all measures to remove yourself from immediate danger.
  2. Report the incident. You can report any SEA and sexual harassment incidents, or share any issues or concerns you have about DOT, our work, staff, partners or activities using any of the following methods:
    • You can report the incident to DOT Global’s SFP, the relevant Safeguarding Focal Point for your country, or another DOT team member you feel most comfortable with. Your details will be kept confidential.
    • You can report any issues using the form below.

    *If you require immediate support, you are encouraged to first contact the focal point at your local DOT office if that’s an option, as there may be a delay in response given the time difference in Canada. However, you are welcome to reach out to any of the contacts provided above that you are most comfortable with. At each stage, your informed consent will be asked for before any further action is taken. Making an initial report after an incident using the above reporting options is not yet a formal report of an incident. DOT has a zero tolerance policy for any incidents of sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment, and we take the safety of our participants and staff very seriously. While we do everything in our power to maintain confidentiality and be survivor-centred in our response, in situations where the safety of others is at risk, DOT is required to act on reports that we receive. If you choose to formally report the incident you will be guided to submit a report to a designated staff member.

  3. Seek Medical Attention. You are encouraged to seek medical attention to ensure your health and well-being are looked after. This is particularly important if you have experienced a severe case of sexual violence. It is understandable this process may feel overwhelming. Make the decision that is best for you.
    • There are many medications for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) prevention and/or that are life-saving that must be taken within 24-72 hours.
    • You are also encouraged but not required to seek medical attention for a medical-legal examination. This will allow for the collection of forensic evidence that can support your report and possibly identify the perpetrator for an investigation.
    • The DOT Country Safeguarding Focal Point can accompany you to provide emotional support and help you navigate through the medical system. You are welcome to ask for someone else from the DOT team to accompany you. Note the DOT Safeguarding Focal Point has the proper training to give you the support you need. You are also free to choose to go by yourself or choose not to go. DOT will continue to offer this support should you request it at a later time.
  4. Seek Psychosocial Care. Psychosocial Care is essential for survivors of SEAH. The decision to use such support is also up to the survivor. DOT understands that a survivor may choose to access the support, decline it and/or ask for it later. DOT will ensure this support is available to you when it is needed.
  5. You can choose to report the incident to the police. DOT acknowledges that reporting a SEAH incident to the police could re-traumatize a survivor or raise complications because confidentiality and discretion will be difficult or not possible once a report has been filed. If you wish to make a report and would like the support, you can tell DOT and the team member you are most comfortable with can accompany you to the police station.
  6. You are encouraged to document the incident. DOT highly encourages you to document the incident. If you would like support in recording your incident, you can work with DOT’s Safeguarding Focal Point. If you decide not to report the incident to DOT, it is still highly recommended you record the incident with as much detail as possible including:
    • Who is involved – survivor, alleged perpetrator/s, witnesses
    • What happened – include as much detail including lack of explicit consent ignoring non-verbal, verbal and physical cues etc.
    • Where the incident occurred – include as much detail as possible.
    • When the incident occurred – include date, time and time period, if possible.
    • What you did after – include information like contacting DOT, going to the hospital, discarding articles of clothing etc.
    • What help is needed – include help accessed or wanted like medical help, psycho-social support etc.

    Documenting this alone can be distressing. If you feel uncomfortable reporting the incident to the DOT Safeguarding Focal Point, we encourage that you have someone you trust to support you as you document the incident.