Bringing Youth Perspectives to the Forefront – and taking action – together.

In March 2022, DOT hosted the Speaking Out, Reaching Out Youth Summit, which focused on exploring the findings from the DOT’s Speaking Out, Reaching Out youth-led investigation in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation. 

The investigation showcased stories of youth resilience, capturing the voices, lived experiences, and unrelenting perseverance of over 1,500 young people aged 18-35, over half of them young women.

Together with young men and women from Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, Rwanda and Ethiopia, we were able to

  • Gather a plentiful amount of data on the impacts and resilience of young people in Ethiopia, Uganda, Ghana, Rwanda and Kenya 
  • Consult with youth on the findings of their investigation focusing on specific country contexts, and critical thematic areas of gender and entrepreneurship.
  • Design a youth summit focused on open dialogues led by youth which saw over 400 attendees invested in listening – deeply to youth voices 
  • Build a comprehensive list of recommendations – calls to action that we can all take forward to build back better together.

As the world shifts to a digital-first approach – youth must be front and center as solution providers, innovators and entrepreneurs in any efforts to bridge the digital divide and achieve potential in the inclusive digital economy.

That is why DOT believes more than ever in unleashing the power of youth through co-creating and implementing solutions that are by youth, for youth and with youth. 

Explore our collection of Speaking Out, Reaching Out Reports. 

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Speaking Out, Reaching Out: African Youth and the Pandemic, Gender Report 2022

This report synthesizes the results of the investigation as it related to gender equality – what young women want and need for inclusive, digital futures.

Click here to download the report.


Speaking Out, Reaching Out: COVID-19’s Impact on Youth Entrepreneurship in Sub-Saharan-Africa

This report provides clarity to how youth-run businesses in Africa are surviving, coping and adapting, what they need to thrive, and the unique experience of young women entrepreneurs.

Click here to download the report.


Speaking Out, Reaching Out: Country Brief – Rwanda

A capture firsthand experience and evidence of what youth in Rwanda want and need to thrive in a post-COVID era.

Click here to download the report.



Speaking Out, Reaching Out: Country Brief – Ethiopia

This brief provides a glimpse into the experiences of young people – their stories of coping and adapting in the face of the pandemic.

Click here to download the report.



Speaking Out, Reaching Out: Country Brief – Kenya

This report explores how young people in Kenya re navigating and responding to the pandemic’s social and economic impacts.

Click here to download the report.



Speaking Out, Reaching Out: Country Brief – Ghana

The negative effects of the pandemic continue to be felt among the most vulnerable, including Ghanian women and youth, documented in this country brief.

Click here to download the report.


Speaking Out, Reaching Out: Country Brief – Uganda

The findings of the data collected in Uganda reveal the profound negative effect on the livelihoods of Ugandan youth.

Click here to download the report.


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