Connecting the Unconnected

KIGALI, June 8, 2022 – As a sector member of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) through the  ITU Telecommunication Development Sector, Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT) was thrilled to attend the World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC) and the ITU’s Partner2Connect (P2C) Digital Development Roundtable in Kigali June 7 – 9. 

The 3-day event as part of the WTDC scheduled programming invited Member States Governments, the private sector, youth, civil society, international organizations and more to pledge to the P2C Coalition and commit to advancing digital connectivity across the globe. 

DOT’s Regional Vice President of Africa and DOT Rwanda Country Director, Violette Uwamutara hosted a high-level panel of Ministers, CEOs, and development professionals who spoke about the policy level, governance, and on the ground interventions, they are pledging in their respective countries to connect 2.9 billion people as soon as possible. 

In the session, Violette spoke about the transformative capabilities of the coalition “The Partner2Connect Digital Coalition is a game-changing opportunity – to foster universal and meaningful connectivity,  to achieve digital transformation in the hardest-to-connect communities and to commit to a global digital future that Connects People Everywhere: Empowers Communities, Builds Digital Ecosystems and Incentivizes Investments.

Global dialogues have revealed that connectivity – digital inclusion requires collaboration; new partnerships and resources – is the only way to connect 2.9 billion people and keep the other 4.9 billion online. Aligned with the UN Secretary General’s Roadmap for Digital Cooperation, P2C encourages key players to invest with intention so that no one is left offline. 

In concluding the session, Violette announced Digital Opportunity Trust’s pledge to the P2C: 

As an organization committed to digital inclusion, women’s empowerment and the potential of young people as leaders of change, Digital Opportunity Trust, and its network of thousands of young leaders, commits to building digital ecosystems in support of 1 million people in marginalized communities in Africa and the Middle East and empowering these young people with digital literacy and 21st-century skills by 2025. 

DOT is looking forward to joining and acting within a united ecosystem of leaders like the 200+ pledge makers who joined P2C and WTDC to contribute to a day in the future when we can say we have achieved universal and meaningful connectivity. 

We’re calling partners and donors to join our pledge and contribute to ensuring the inclusion of young women and men in the digital economy.

Are you our next Community Leader, Digital Champion, or Social Innovator? Learn more about how to join #DOTYouth

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