Daring to Shift: Placing Young Women at the Centre of Inclusive Growth

Digital Opportunity Trust invites you to join the launch of an innovative and creative multinational program that supports youth and young women as social innovators and change makers in their communities in Africa and the Middle East.

 A partnership with the Government of Canada, with Daring to Shift DOT is creating an ecosystem of partners who recognize the urgency to create opportunities for young women and men to contribute to the economic growth and social health of their communities in their local contexts.

 Over 4 years, the initiative will support over 1,000 local youth as leaders of change who will reach over 40,000 community members in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi, Zambia, Ghana, Jordan, and Lebanon. Supporting digital literacy, workforce skills, entrepreneurship and social innovation, Daring to Shift will stimulate the creation of digital jobs, digital businesses and local enterprises that respond to community-based needs and local value chains.

70% of participants will be young women – a critical force for leadership, growth, resilience and recovery. And a mindset shift that underpins a major system change.

Driven by “feet on the street”, Daring to Shift trusts young people as co-designers of the program, drivers of their own livelihoods, and peer-to-peer trainers, coaches, mentors and role models in their communities – and co-interpreters of the future world of work and its markets of opportunity.

As social entrepreneurs, innovators, and leaders, young women and men are on the frontlines of their communities – working to build resilient and inclusive systems to adapt to our changing world. They are transforming digital education, taking action for mental health, working in prisons and refugee camps, and creating rapid responses to COVID-19. As a result, youth will increase their incomes, access digital employment opportunities, grow their leadership experience, launch sustainable social enterprises, and young entrepreneurs will grow their businesses.

Approaching 20 years, DOT has supported community-based change at scale through its youth-led model, with trust in the potential of youth, a belief in the power of technology and a commitment to collaboration for effective, sustained development.

Join us to hear from inspiring young innovators who are championing economic and social change, developing local solutions and services, delivering digital education, developing local content, inserting themselves in sectoral supply chains, creating businesses, jobs and markets – young innovators in Africa and the Middle East who are making a difference to the futures of their communities.

Join us to learn how to engage with an ecosystem of private sector and international agencies that is addressing issues of connectivity, digital access and literacy, content creation and the platforms that will reach marginalized and disadvantaged communities.

Or just join us, as many organizations have done.

RSVP at http://bit.ly/dot-daring-to-shift


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