
مقال متميز

إطلاق مبادئ الشمول الرقمي في الاقتصاد الأخضر

أوتاوا، كندا، 12 فبراير 2024 – يسر مؤسسة Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT) أن تكشف عن إنجاز هام ناتج عن الجهود التعاونية التي بذلتها مجموعة EDISON Alliance Sprint Group. في غضون سبعة أشهر، من مايو إلى نوفمبر 2023، شاركت وزارة النقل، جنبًا إلى جنب مع شركاء محترمين مثل NetHope، وDubai Cares، وGoodwall، والمدرسة الرقمية، واليونيسف، وأعضاء […]

المشاركات الاخيرة

Identifying Your Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities: Life Experiences

Previously: How to Build a Digital Portfolio In this post, we’re discussing the first step in building your digital portfolio: identifying your knowledge, skills, and abilities so you can showcase them! A digital portfolio is a collection of files (documents, photos, videos, etc.) that you can use to reflect on your experiences and demonstrate your […]


How to Build a Digital Portfolio

A digital portfolio is a collection of files (documents, photos, videos, etc.) that you can use to reflect on your experiences and demonstrate your skills and accomplishments to potential employers, investors or customers. A digital portfolio is a popular alternative to a traditional, paper-based portfolio because it: Is easy and quick to update Can support […]


Glossary of Change: The Language of Social Impact

Community change can come with some complicated concepts. Social innovation, social entrepreneurship, community development, global citizenship — all these terms can be confusing. Yet these are the words you come across when reading about community change or listening to speeches from innovators worldwide. Not sure what all of these mean? Let’s look look at some […]


What Is Social Entrepreneurship, Anyway?

If you have been hearing the words “social entrepreneur” a lot lately, you are not alone. Social entrepreneurship is a new way of doing business, one that is gaining popularity worldwide. But who and what is a social entrepreneur, exactly? Social entrepreneurs have many characteristics in common with traditional entrepreneurs. Both are trying to fill […]


A youth-led economy of social good could change education systems — and the world

There are many challenges facing education systems. Where I live, in the Bekaa area of Lebanon, children — especially girls — aren’t able to explore their creativity, innovation, and technical skills because of a lack of human resources, funding, and opportunities in school systems. At the same time, there are many young people like me who are struggling in […]


3 Ways to Find Funding for Your Social Enterprise in Africa

Finding capital for a project can be challenging, and this is no exception for those starting social enterprises. Young people worldwide face the greatest difficulty in finding funding. Much of this is because of a struggle to access formal banking services. In fact, young people are 44% less likely to save money through a traditional […]


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